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Honey Do List: Dog days

The dog days of summer are upon us. The Alabama heat makes us want to lie in the shade like an old hound dog and save our outdoor activities for early morning or late evening, or this fall, or next year, or....

But the dog days are not an Alabama thing and really have nothing to do with “Ol Blue” or “Rover.” The ancient Romans actually recognized this time as the dog days based on the heavenly activity of Sirius, the dog star. This event was associated with heat, drought, sudden thunderstorms and very uncomfortable conditions. Sound familiar?

But there are some things on the honey-do list that we should pay attention to, even in this heat.

•CHANGE YOUR AIR FILTER. Your air conditioner, whether it’s a window unit or central unit, is working overtime trying to cool your home. Make sure air flow is unrestricted by replacing or cleaning the filter every 30 days. (I mention this a lot, I know, but it’s a task that I seem to forget.)

•OPEN AND CLEAR FOUNDATION VENTS. Foundation vents allow outside air to circulate under your house to prevent moisture, mold and mildew in the crawl space. Keep grass and shrubs trimmed to keep them from blocking air flow. Close them this winter to prevent frozen pipes.

Another reason to keep the grass, weeds and shrubs trimmed is to deter animal visitors such as armadillos, rats and snakes that can dig around foundations, chew wiring and insulation or just scare you to death.

•WATER EVERYTHING. All living things need some water. Dogs, cats, plants, shrubs and people. Keep yourself and the kids hydrated when working or playing outside.

•ENJOY THE SUMMER. We are given these days to either enjoy or suffer through. By taking the right precautions, these days can be productive and fun. Soon the temps will fall and the days will shorten, and it will be too cold to be out.

Remember, help is just around the corner at your local hardware store.

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