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My Take on This: My new addiction is one you probably know well

Well, hello again, my friends! I have something I’d like to share with y’all today. It might be rather surprising, but here it goes.

I am an addict. I have been for a few years now, and instead of getting better, it seems to be getting worse. Sharing things have been known to help in healing, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. My life is close to an open book, so I doubt there will be any harm in opening one more chapter. I can almost visualize you trying to figure out what my addiction could be. It would be interesting to know some of your guesses.

We already know I’m addicted to laughter, talking and picking on people. Of course, there are good addictions and not-so-good addictions. I prefer the good ones, but we don’t always have the opportunity to choose our addictions, do we?

As for this one, I didn’t even have an interest in it, but so many people kept on and on about how much I would enjoy it. They kept saying it would widen my horizons; I would be better informed for it. Of course, we’ve all heard the one where, “you’ll wish you would have started it years ago.”

As all addictions go…I was finally talked into it. What they didn’t tell me is it would become so addictive that I would lose much-needed sleep. I’d lose my ability to spell correctly, and language would be gradually removed from my senses, as if I’d never had an education whatsoever.

I was never informed of the different types of people that would surround me or even follow me. I began hearing such vulgar profanity. I learned how to shut most of that out, but my life was so full of such shady characters and symbols without meanings. At times, everything around me was so confusing. My life is so different now.

All I can honestly say is, Facebook will do that to a person, won’t it? Oh yeah! I’m addicted, but I’m not alone in this.

Did I throw anybody off, or did you figure this out a while back? Facebook is a good way of keeping up with the daily news. The journeys people are taking in their daily lives. Some good. Some bad. 

Anniversaries, birthdays, births, jokes, beautiful scenic pictures, plus all the beautiful pictures of family friends, both near and far. I enjoy all the different groups that are available, whether it be the variety of things that are Victorian, which I love, or the pretty flower gardens and the mouthwatering recipes. Facebook has a variety of everything, and its popularity has no end. There are so many sales groups. You can post anything to sell, and the buyer will even come to your door to pick it up. You can’t ask for more, right?

There have been children and pets found by posts that are so graciously shared. Facebook is an amazing technology, but with all good comes some downsides, too. At least, there are choices to “delete” or “block,” and I am very thankful for that. In closing, I must say, I hope y’all had as much fun with my little prank as I did.

On a more serious note, please keep our first responders in your prayers. Our “men-in-blue,” need extra ones at this time.

Wishing all of you a great week.

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