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My take on this... simpler times

I was reminiscing about my childhood the other day.  Do you remember the sound of popcorn popping in the pan while it was vigorously shaken back and forth on the stove eye until the aroma filled the room? 

Daddy was the best popcorn maker in our household.  All that shaking today would cause enough friction to catch the glass stove top on fire and even scratch it to the point of; one time use only.

The memories don’t stop there because the kids and the other parent would be patiently waiting in front of the television set, as it was called then, waiting to watch the Lawrence Welk Show. 
It was the same dancers every night, but we didn’t think “a-thing” about it.  Complaining wasn’t an option.  We would get the belt to our behinds for that. 

Well, that’s not all that took place while watching television. 
When it got fuzzy-looking, one of the kids would need to go outside and turn a long pole with an antenna attached to the top of the pole.  I usually volunteered because I wanted to make my daddy proud of me.  I guess it was just for my good, because he was always proud of his little girl.  Well, back to the antenna. 

I’d hear through the open door or window the words’ “turn it back just a little…back the other way…now back just a little bit, nope too far… back again. Okay that’s good!”  That was the cue to come back inside.

By that time, we had missed parts of the show, since there wasn’t anything called a rewind button.  Someone would say, “Oh we missed the best part!”  Even that was only said one time.

It seems like our bedtime was around nine o’clock.  We’d know because daddy would say, “alright kids; its bedtime!” Without delay, our butts would head to our rooms.
Mother always tucked us into bed.  Pulling the covers under our neck, kissing us and saying “Goodnight, I love you and I hope you sleep good!” 

Then off went the light as darkness filled the room.  We had no night lights in the house. 

If we had to get up during the night, there would be a lot of bumping into doors and walls until we would make our way into the bathroom to sit on the cold commode seat.
We had a coal heater sitting in the hall and it was always the warmest room in the house, but at that time of night, you would hurry back to bed hoping the spot you left was still a teeny-tiny bit warm.  The covers would then be pulled over our face to warm our face and ears.

When we were called to get up and get out of bed, the heater was the first thing I’d run to, carrying my socks to warm up before I’d put them on.
Thinking back, we were referred to as “kids” until we were in trouble and that’s when we’d get a reminder of our full name.

Life was harder, but the times were simpler.  Nowadays there is so many things that make life simpler, but people seem to make it difficult.  Go figure!

I hope you enjoyed a piece of history.  I still refer to it as “The good ole days.”
Until later, take care.  Always remember how much I appreciate my followers.

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