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My Take on This...Christmas Emotions

Christmas Day is almost here. Some folks are looking forward to it. Others are dreading it. There are even those who have mixed feelings about it. I'm one with mixed feelings.

I'm glad to see the smiles on the faces of children because it helps to sweeten a heart that is breaking.

Whether it's been days, weeks, months or years, losing a family member or a friend the ache is still there. For instance, it could be a favorite chair that looks sad and empty, even though a relative has it occupied, it still feels empty to me because the one who sat in it is no longer there.

This is one time that the phrase 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' does not apply.

Dwelling on the past too long is taking away from the love and appreciation of the family still here to enjoy. Let's not deprive the living. One day will come when someone else is not around. The love they deserved was wasted.

Decisions are a part of life. I can think of one most of us go through every year--the moment we go through a 'brain overload' trying to find that perfect gift. It seems you have seen everything in the store, until one item speaks the name. Hours have been spent, but it's all worthwhile.

Then on to the long line getting to the register. A few days after Christmas and you see your friend standing in a long line having to wait hours to return the gift. While waiting, the brain is going through a 'thought process.' Oh yeah! What to exchange this gift for! Something perfect, maybe.

Another dilemma is finding a day that everybody can get together. It ends up trying to find a day that most of the family can come.

Then on to the food. Why does it seem everybody wants to bring potato salad?

Then someone recommends a person, stating hers is better than anyone else's. Everyone laughs in my family—We laugh a lot!

Choices are many, but decisions come down to one.

I'm making a decision to wish each of you a Merry Christmas!

Always know I appreciate my faithful readers.

Until later....

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