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How are You Inspired by America?

How Are You Inspired by America?


(The following essay was written by Phil Campbell High School 7th grader Melodie Riley as an entry in the Veterans of Foreign Wars' annual Patriots Pen Essay Contest. Congratulations to Melodie for winning the local contest and finishing fourth in the District Contest. She is the daughter of John and Rachael Laynan. We are proud to publish Melodie's essay in the FFP)


As an American, I have realized there are many things to truly be inspired by.

Personally, I believe that one of the greatest things about being an American is the freedoms that come with being part of this great nation.

Our freedoms offer endless opportunities to become great and achieve greatness. Those in America have what others only can dream about.

Imagine what it must be like to be told what to do, when to do it, how to think, how to feel, how to believe, where to live, to whom one can marry and whether or not you can become educated. To live with so many restrictions, one's individuality would become nonexistent and life would truly be miserable.

Personally, I believe everyone should be able to live his/her life to the fullest without fear or worry of what might happen if you decide to think for yourself.

The freedoms I was born with have shaped me into the young person I am today. I am able to dress how I like, be friends with those of my choosing, discuss what I am most passionate about, and express my feelings on a daily basis.

When thinking about those freedoms, I must direct my attention to the brave men and women who selflessly gave some or all their lives to ensure that my freedoms would remain intact and that I would never have to live in fear of losing them.

To think of those brave souls standing guard for my freedoms is the most inspiring aspect of the American dream.

Daily, those heroes risk their lives to promote and protect our basic God given rights and freedoms and too often their sacrifices go unnoticed. From teachers to doctors and nurses to law enforcement officers and other first responders, our freedoms are protected, appreciated and ensured for another day.

These individuals are eternal symbols of hope and freedom, and because of them, I will forever be grateful.

Because I am an American, I get to be me—for me. I have so many opportunities to express my individuality and play a small role in the direction of the greatest country on earth.

So let me ask you this. If given the choice, why would you want to live anywhere other than America?

For me, I love America and everything about it and the people in it.

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