A few of us from our Phil Campbell High School senior class have been talking about having a class reunion for many years.
Some from this “ever-talked-about-planning-committee” are no longer with us, but I can still recall the excitement they showed when they said 'I'll help!,' or 'Count me in!'
There are so many of our classmates who can no longer be in the head count at our reunion, but everyone will forever remain in our hearts and in our memories.
My first six years were spent at Spruce Pine Elementary School with two grades sharing the same classroom and the same teacher.
At lunch time, we would line up with our green tray that we handed to one of the two cooks who filled them with a home cooked meal and a scrumptious dessert.
Fridays were my favorite because we had the best tasting soup I've ever put in my mouth. To top it off, we had the most moist and perfect homemade peanut butter cookies.
Both of our cooks were so kind and friendly, always smiling, giving us hugs and acting as a temporary mother when they needed to be.
It was a time when all the students knew each other and playing jacks was a competition among the girls, where winning was fun, but not more important than our friendships. The school environment was happy and stress-free.
And then all that was over!
Stepping into the long halls of Phil Campbell High School and changing classes and being bumped around by strangers where walking was impossible. But the worst part was getting lost.
I was always late for class because I couldn't find my classrooms. I had been separated from most of my friends and I was so scared! I was lost in a strange environment and I cried a lot. It took longer than I would have preferred to get comfortable in such an extreme change.
You know, the change turned out to be filled with clubs, activities and so many interesting things to be a part of. I'd never imagined I'd be dissecting worms and frogs. Phil Campbell High School turned out to be fun.
Now, here I am fifty years later with beautiful memories and about to reunite with classmates I haven't seen in years.
We will be in Phil Campbell's Homecoming Parade Thursday and will be honored the following night at the football game. We will be sitting in a group and feeling like seniors again, instead of adults in our late 60s.
Saturday will mark the end of an era. We will having a get-together at a friend's ranch. Then we will say our goodbyes. It will be final goodbyes for some and others will be waiting to plan our next class reunion.
As for me, I'll be right here sharing my opinions on almost everything!
As always, until later!
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