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Hall enjoys helping others as Chamber of Commerce assistant

Susan Hall is now the assistant director for the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce.

After almost 39 years working in education, Hall sought out another career that would fulfill her love of helping others. Around the time that she was looking, the perfect job came open.

Hall worked as an English teacher at the high school and college level. She was also an assistant principal at Russellville Elementary School and Russellville High School, and she ended her career in education as the curriculum coordinator at the Russellville City Schools Central Office.

Hall is not a sitter, but a doer. She has been working since the age of fifteen. It all started with babysitting, volunteering at the courthouse in the summers and working at the bank. Ever since then, she has been hooked on helping others.

“I believe in prayer,” Hall said.

She prayed about the job as assistant director before applying, and now she knows that God put her in the right place. She started with the Chamber on October 31.

Hall’s main concentration is to assist Chamber of Commerce executive director Cassie Medley with whatever she needs. Whether it’s answering the phone or stuffing bags for an event, Hall is always there when needed. She works four days a week, and she loves every minute of it. She believes that the unpredictability of the job keeps her young.

“When you love what you do,” Hall said, “you don’t call it work, do you?”

She believes that she will learn what her favorite thing is about the job later on down the line, but as of now she enjoys the Franklin County Junior Leadership program because it gives her a chance to continue interacting with students. Her greatest joy is seeing students succeed.

“My passion has always been with the students,” Hall said. “No amount of money beats the feeling you get when you see your students succeed.”

Hall appreciates the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce because it reaches every corner of the county. People from all over the county reach out to the Chamber when they need help. There is not a day when the phone does not ring with a question on the other end. Hall and Medley try their best to give whoever calls the information that they are looking for.

Small communities can be and are a good thing. Hall’s main goal is to help and bring enjoyment to others. Being the assistant director at the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce is the perfect platform for her work.

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