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I was reminiscing about my childhood the other day.  Do you remember the sound of popcorn popping in the pan while it was vigorously shaken back and forth on the stove eye until the aroma filled ...read more
With all the rain and flooding we’ve had lately, it brought back memories of the time I was surrounded by water after taking one turn off the four-lane to an access road.The only reason I even t...read more
It didn't take more than a few moments for the Russellville City Council to unanimously approve Item 8 on the agenda at the council's February 3 meeting.  There wasn't any discussion about Item ...read more
Well, hello again, my friends! I have something I’d like to share with y’all today. It might be rather surprising, but here it goes. I am an addict. I have been for a few years now, and i...read more
Recent comments made by Bradley Byrne, a Republican running for the Alabama Senate, and others made by a regular columnist to the Red Bay News, are very disturbing. As reported by Yellowhammer News, B...read more
Learning to say no Dear Dave, We’re debt-free except for our home, and we’ll have our fully funded emergency fund of three to six months of expenses [we’ve agreed on six months&rsq...read more
Keep it small, and budget for it Dear Dave, I’m trying very hard to get out of debt. I have my beginner emergency fund in place, and I’m living on a monthly budget. Is it okay to include...read more
We’ll know for sure on Sunday. Six more weeks of winter, or an early spring. According to the extended forecast, we are in for more of the same mild temperatures we have already been having. B...read more
There’s no magic pill Dear Dave, My wife and I made a resolution this year to pay off $20,000 in credit card debt we’ve accumulated. I want us to follow your plan and live on a really ti...read more
If you have a lawnmower, you will eventually have battery issues. Over the winter, batteries may become weak or die from being in storage. As I mentioned last week, let’s look at battery mainten...read more
I had one of the sweetest Grandmas. When I was young, she lived in Leighton next to the railroad tracks. We’d sit on her porch and wave at the conductor as the train whizzed by with his horn a&r...read more
Not everything goes as planned Oh, the holiday season! The time for putting up the Christmas tree. Well, in my case, I can say I got real close to putting up my Christmas tree. I bought a four-foot ...read more
How to make goals and resolutions become reality Dear Dave, My wife and I have our budget ready for next month, and we’ll be following your plan in 2020 to pay off debt and get our finances in...read more
Starting off on the right path together Dear Dave, I’m getting married next summer. My fiancé and I are in agreement about how to handle money, and we both follow your plan. Do you reco...read more
Great start, but follow the steps Dear Dave, I’ve recently begun living on a budget, and I’ve got $1,000 saved. At the moment, I have $150 left over each month after everything is accoun...read more
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